
Posts Tagged ‘Online’

Oh this is too much!

British Airways is charging for theΒ  of choosing your seat in the plane.

Cory Doctorow of course posted a fun question: What happens is I fly with a 2-year old?

I say: BA, I will NOT risk being nanny to other passengers – and since I really don’t care enough to read ALL your press releases I’ll just read what gets tweeted and re-tweeted enough – ergo, I’ll be scared of having to babysit – and I’ll instead choose another flight!

I see two scenarios:

I pay to get MY seat – then a family “forgets” and I have a child next to me.
Do I a) change with one parent and by doings so pay for a seat I don’t really want
or b) sit next to the child and hope to god it’s a well behaved one

I do as I always do – pick the best available seat and hope that no one paid to sit a long way from a 20-something Swedish girl and end up next to me?! πŸ™‚

Congratulations – you got a lot of PR – but you don’t really get it, do you? πŸ™‚

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So, free has travelled to Sweden πŸ˜‰

Anderson’s book earned a book review in one of our big newspapers. Even though I never read it, I of course managed to sniff this up!

The writer is less than happy with Anderson’s idea of free, and he recommends his readers to choose Tyler Cowens “Create your own economy” instead.

I might pick him up on that…see, when I wrote the post on Free a week or so ago – I looked the book up on Scribd and saw it as the genius PR trick that “free stuff” generally is – BUT wait, in this Swedish reivew it said it was restricted to US only… I didn’t even belive it, so I checked for myself… But of course! (Btw, might be that I’m blind and it was always restricted. But it’s news to me)

I just don’t get it… a person like Anderson, in-tune with the new economy (according to him, and I belive him πŸ˜› )
Shouldn’t he possibly grasp the FIRST thing with internet – WORLD WIDE… not geographically restricted…

Did he just shoot his own theory in the foot?! I’m at a loss for words πŸ˜‰

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Online is demanding!

So, you’ve all gathered I’m trying to be present online… I’m actually trying to be ME, but a more memorable me πŸ˜‰

But online is sooo demanding! For instance:

I use AdWords and Analytics for my work. I deal with 3 different website, and therefor I created a “client center” – it’s just that it’s in-house, and it’s just ME! I started with one site and could not reuse that email for the client center…ergo a new one – do over! And client center just wants me to be the “consultant” and add an additional email address to the “owner” = 2 of my email addresses for each site.

This lead to me starting over in my “Google help” contributions… Do over…

Since the website have totally different target groups I also have to “be” different personas on the web – that’s 2 different at least. (Focus on your visitors = online demand)

Of course I also have my PERSONAL Gmail account… that used to be connected to my blog – but juggling online presence under 5+Β emails just didn’t work! So I had to change my blog! Another do-over πŸ˜›

While trying to be transparent (another online demand) I also want to make sure my employer doesn’t have to “own up” to my opinions

Sometimes I just want to go back to 8 months ago, when my only online presence where Pirate Wars and Garden apps on Facebook πŸ˜‰

I think I’m getting there! I’ve gone from “being” 5 different emails to being 2 – and I realize that “online”= Google in this post, but hey, we all know that to be true!

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